What foods should you avoid with tinnitus?

Diet change is one of six steps to get tinnitus relief
Food to avoid with Tinnitus

Here are the top 10 foods you should always try to avoid.

  • Margarine – Your brain requires fats to make new brain cells. Fats aren’t inherently bad. In fact, they are essential, but the quality of those fats can alter the ease of cell-to-cell communication within your brain. In contrast, fats like Omega 3s improve functioning. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent alternative that has been shown to improve brain health.
  • Table Salt – Swap out your table salt for some Pink Himalayan sea salt. Table salt is bleached and heavily processed. Pink Himalayan sea salts will give you more of what your body needs.
  • Fruit Juice/Soda – These sugar-laden drinks spike your sugar levels.
  • Microwaved Foods – Avoid the radiation of microwaves. Don’t stand near them if they’re on. I gave away my microwave.
  • Farm-Raised Fish Like Salmon. The best option is to try Alaskan wild-caught Salmon.
  • Factory Farmed Meats – These meats are higher in chemicals. Find a source you can visit such as a local farm, not a factory, and talk directly to the farmer. Local farms are more likely to have healthier chickens and eggs, too.
  • Artificial Sweeteners – Sugar-free does not mean it’s healthier. Stick with the sugar but limit the amount you eat. Remember the mantra, “Everything in moderation.” Or try locally sourced raw honey that offers a little added protection specific to your area.
  • Processed Foods Containing Colourings & Dyes – These dyes dramatically affect your brain and tinnitus.
  • Processed Meat is LOADED with preservatives. This can affect your brain and increase tinnitus.
  • “The Dirty Dozen” – These 12 foods have the highest concentration of chemicals: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Grapes, Celery, Tomatoes, Sweet Bell Peppers, and Potatoes. This beautiful variety of foods is polluted with chemicals. Only buy these foods if they are organic. When choosing between organic foods and non-organic, these are the scariest.
  • Instead, choose the “Clean 15”: Sweet Corn, Avocado, Pineapples, Cabbage, Onions, Frozen Sweet Peas, Papayas, Asparagus, Mangos, Eggplant, Honeydew, Kiwi, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, and Grapefruit.

Plus I highly recommend avoiding wheat (gluten), sugar (including sweeteners), and dairy (specially cow). 

TIP: Clean properly every vegetable and fruit before eating.

In my case, I also had to avoid bananas, avocados, apples, alcohol (except cider), chocolate and sweets because I found that these foods were increasing my tinnitus. You could have different ones. I found it during daily tinnitus measurement and with the help of a tinnitus diary.

Find yours with Tinnitus Diary. You can download Tinnitus Diary for FREE here.

Tinnitus diary

Find more in the book – I cured my Tinnitus.

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