Best Sound Therapy Devices

Recommended devices for tinnitus retraining therapy

Please use recommended devices only, to get best results. 

Tinnitus Device

Option 1:

Option 2:

  • Phonak, Siemens, or Audifon noise generators.

Compared to sound generators, using an MP3 player makes measuring daily tinnitus volume and sound therapy easier.

Important note:

Do not use mobile phones, Bluetooth, on-ear, or earplugs headphones, as using mobile phones with Bluetooth headphones is not recommended for TRT therapy. 

  • The phone’s limited range of volume, which typically only has 15 levels of volume instead of the usual 50 or 100. 

  • Additionally, it is recommended to use wired headphones as Bluetooth technology emits radiation. Consistent exposure to this for 8 hours a day, especially near the brain, may have effects on your health. 

If you choose to use an mp3 player, you can download Pink Noise for free. This is Pink noise which many others used during recovery. Pink noise and white noise are both effective for tinnitus retraining therapy, regardless of whether or not you experience hyperacusis.

Find more in the book – I cured my Tinnitus.

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